We have to chase him, damn it. Just like you have to chase better entertainment, a better opportunity to drink beers, eat delicious wings, and have a damn good time. Each and every Wednesday Night Trivia show is new at Holly & Dolly’s, so you’ll never grow bored. We give away fun things every week including food, drinks, pornography, and T-shirts, but not in that order. The Lip-Sync battles are getting EPIC and you could win money like Jagerbomb:
Tonight, the categories are all over the place, so you can know a lot about a little and still win great prizes. The food specials will be posted as soon as we get word, because it’s all about the fresh, fresh and deliciousness. I recommend the wings, burgers, and even the damn chef salad. I’ve had it at least 5 times and me-likey. Me-likey long time. Categories for the Holly and Dolly’s Wednesday night trivia that you deserve are:
60’s & 70’s Rock ‘n Roll
Movie Sound Clips
Daytime Talk Show Hosts
The Periodic Table
Now that you’ve got those 5 questions laced up (hints, yo!) it’s time to get postulating on this bonus hint:
Don’t forget… a BRAND NEW event this Saturday night. More info tomorrow!
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