Peace has cost you your strength, this brings me great joy:
Oh, yes… I went there. Hope you enjoyed as much as I did.
On to more trivia for the week. I know that I mentioned there’d be a new night this Saturday and it’s TOTALLY TRUE, so you need to know the details. 8 PM, happy hour specials all during trivia, and it will be over at 10 PM, the perfect PREGAME activity for your Saturday Night. The spot? An Tobar in Maitland. That’s right, An Tobar is BACK in action and better than ever. Their bar is beautiful, liquor selection exquisite, and food mucho delicioso. Can’t beat that. Now, you’ve been properly teased for Saturday night.
However, it’s only Thursday night right now, so it’s time for you to set up your team, get your game face on, and get out here for over $80 in prizes. Appetizers, desserts, and $50 in delicious food certificates up for grabs at TGiFriday’s tonight. The categories, eclectic as always, but as you’re starting to realize this week, MOVIE SOUND CLIPS are back in action! Before the categories, LIKE US ON FACEBOOK, DAMN IT!
Here are your categories and hints for a head start:
Original Rapper Names
Movie Sound Clips
Athletes Named “Michael”
Leading Ladies in Music
Fast Food Mascots
With all that Tasty Trivia awesomeness, you need a little bonus hint to keep the excitement from bubbling up and making a mess all over:
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