We are going to try something new here. Instead of all of your hints available right here on the blog, which is all fine and good, they will be on Twitter and Facebook. Both Social Media sites will have them and the links are all throughout this post. Anytime you see Twitter or Facebook, just click it, cuz it is a link. This way, the hints for the rounds and bonus will be in one AWESOME place. You love it, you just didn’t know it yet.
There are tons of Orlando trivia options for you to choose and we’d like to THANK YOU very much for choosing to frequent Tasty Trivia! It is our joy to bring the trivia goodness to your life throughout the week in Orlando.
It’s still $3 Thursday with all of those awesome drink specials, food specials, and TGiFriday’s goodness, so don’t miss out and get to Altamonte TGiFriday’s early for a good spot. The booths upstairs and high tops by the bar fill up QUICK. Gather your team and CHARGE! Who is going to take down last week’s champs? Is it you?
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