It’s Friday night, so that means it is Trivia night at Clicks tonight. You won’t want to miss out on these great categories, the best pool tables in Orlando, and the best bartender and server in the world. Yeah, the whole world. We are doing a few things different and giving you the categories and the hints on Facebook. Just click the Facebook link, as in the word “Facebook” and you’ll be transported to a magical place where hints, images, and awesomeness will allow you to win bartabs, T-shirts, and other cool stuff tonight at Clicks. Of course, I can’t have you come here for nothing, so here are the categories:
Forbes Most Valuable Companies
Presidential Facts
Current Pop Hits
Movies to See Before You Die
Countries That Start with a “P”
Free Trivia is the bestest, so don’t miss out. Action gets started around 10 PM and Craig will be filling in for PATMAN, who is hanging with his lady friend all the way in California. So, come out, show some love, and win some things!
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