Saturday! The best of days. I remember waking up as a kid on Saturday and just being in a rush to do nothing. Staying out late playing football probably losing the football in someone else’s yard. Then getting chased out of the yard cause their yard was nicer than mine…cause they didn’t have a bunch of kids playing football on it. I even played basketball! Not well…but I did. So I’ll ask you guys this. What would you like this post to be? Funny Videos? Maybe a few random trivia questions you can bring to any trivia and get bonus points? 
What would you like this to be?! I can ramble. I’m super good at it. If you’ve been to any trivia I’ve done you know that. I would really like to know. We’re still in the process of getting the podcast up and running but that will happen soon! Just cause I know you guys can’t get enough of Craig Brooks. 
Do you wanna know more about your hosts?! Favorite movies? Color? Number of sexual partners?!
But really. I would like to know. Email me.
Most of all. Thank you for the constant support and we love all of you on a very real and true level. Without all of you guys we couldn’t be who we are. We’d get locked the F*** up…
PS…Maybe Scavenger Hunts!!!
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