I’m happy to say that Tasty Trivia is back in the house at Holly & Dolly’s, hosted by the Patman! Guest appearance this week by Jewtacus for a few rounds, but it’s the Pat show, so you know it’s gonna get rhythmic, you know it’s gonna get gyrational, you know it’s gonna get a little sexy with a hint of spice. That’s just how it is.
Holly & Dolly’s is banging out delicious food, ice cold drinks, and the good-good when it comes to trivia. Taylor and Autumn are usually rocking the bar/service scene, so stop in for a drink and you might even win something. The new format is shorter, faster games with more prizes than ever before. Games run only two categories and a bonus question, then BOOM! it’s time for another. I think you’ll dig it. Here are the medley of categories for the night and a few hints:
NBA Superstars
Songs to Have Sex To
Simpsons, Futurama, or Family Guy
Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader in Science
Comic Book Heroes
Geography o the USA
Corporate Slogans
Puma, Cougar, Mountain Lion
In no particular order… Hints!
As for the bonus questions, you should brush up on REALLY OLD BOOKS. That’s right, all the bonus questions are about REALLY OLD BOOKS. The good news, though, they are all pretty well known. Like, really well known. You’ve definitely heard of these books and authors. Nothing obscure, just a challenge of your memory! Really Old Books!
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