It’s time for the return! The return of Brian Henley to Graffiti Junktion, and the return of Pat to Lake Nona Graffiti. Both these guys coming back and bringing the Tuesday Trivia you all know and love with them. We’ve got 5 categories that are bound to knock your socks off. Come in to any of our Tuesday spots and get ready for the amazingness that is Tasty Trivia!
Beverage Slogans
Disney Songs
80s Throwback Music
Animals With Tails
Infamous Criminals
Don’t forget to submit round requests with your host every week!
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$25 bartab80sanimalsbartabsbeercriminalsDisneydrink specialsfree triviaGraffiti Junktionlive trivialongwoodMountain Dewmoviesmusicorlando triviaprizest-shirtstasty triviatasty trivia orlandotriviatrivia in orlandotrivia orlando
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