Sweet, sweet nectar of the trivia. You need it, you want it, it needs you. I’m never really sure if anyone reads my blurbs, so I think this week I’ll just digress into absurdity and figure out from the live feedback whether or not anyone really gives a s*&t! In an effort to reward those who do read my ramblings, if you post a comment on this post and attend Tuesday Night Tasty Trivia @ Bobby G’s, you’ll get 2 free tix to an advanced screening of The Fifth Estate, featuring a fully nude Benedict Cumberbatch*.
When I think about trivia on Tuesday nights at Bobby G’s, I think about the love child of a racist joke and an anti-semetic joke. That love baby is the collective joy of $3 shots, personal pitcher specials and sometimes $2 spicy boiled peanuts. Sometimes. It’s hard to rely on the peanuts, because if you do, you’ll be let down. BUT, the beer is cold, Fat Tire is on tap, and here are your categories (cats) for the night:
Movies To Love
Star Trek
Breaking Bad
Fad Toys
Bonus hints are better when they are sexy like this:
But, if you don’t study up and bring your friends, you’ll probably just be at home and end up like this (much less sexy):
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