Graffiti we back! Your favorite trivia duo will be back in the building tonight giving out tots and other cool prizes, tonight! Tasty Trivia is back with 5 rounds of competitive and delicious trivia hosted by Craig and Pat. There can only be one Tasty Trivia champion at Graffiti Junktion in Longwood, will it be you?!
Here are your categories:
Old School Hip-Hop
Minnesota, Maryland, Montana
90s Action Movies
Baked Goods
The Super Bowl
And bonus fun:
$25 bartab90'saction moviesaltamontealtamonte springsbaked goodsbartabsbeerdart boardsdrink specialsfree totsfree triviaGraffiti Junktionlive triviamoviesmusicname that movienflold school hip hoporlando triviapool tablespop musicprizesshotssportssuper bowltasty triviatasty trivia orlandotator totstriviatrivia in orlandotrivia orlando
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