It’s like you can read my mind. You complete me. I see you. Movie quotes. I love them, you love them, let’s take a moment to bask in the shared interest of it all. Trivia Night in Longwood is gearing up to be a GREAT one, so don’t miss out on this supa-sweet opportunity to score some awesome prizes, win some free beer, and show your bulging brainceps to the masses. Last week, The College Kids got back in the win column, but Dr. Seuss’ Drug Dealers, Macho Team, and Bill Cosby Touched Me Too were right on their tail! It’s up for grabs, baby, so let’s get down to bizness, also known as “bidniz.”
National Parks
Celebrity Chefs
U.S. History
Movie Characters
TV Character Catchphrases
For the first time in a hot minute, there isn’t a music round, so let me know how you feel about that. Do you like the omission? Do you miss it? As for bonus, brush up on your Music History. Well, that’s incredibly broad, but you can start contemplating strategy, at least! See you tonight!
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