Altamonte and Altamonte Springs wake up it’s trivia night! Tasty Trivia is back at TGI Fridays Altamonte to bring you this weeks version of Tasty Trivia. 5 new and exciting rounds filled with things you know and care about…probably. My head feels like it’s about to explode from all this trivia knowledge I’ve acquired so we’re gonna make this short sweet and to the point. We’re going to be there, it’ll be $3 Thursday, we’re giving out gift certificates for delicious Fridays food, and free appetizers are also still a thing. So study up and win you some stuff!
As an added bonus, Tasty Trivia is trying to pay it forward this week. We have a friend involved in this Charity and any dollars that a trivia team donates to the cause will get bonus points! Plus it’ll make you feel great directly in your feelings are.
So, Donate you can click the Charity link above or right here!
Here are your categories:
2014 March Madness
Facts About Beer
Song Covers
Forbes Richest People
Keanu Reeves Characters
Bonus hints will be on the Tasty Trivia Facebook page!
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