In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Tasty Trivia is going all pink and stuff, just like the NFL this past weekend!
Because as we all know, live trivia is the tits!
But really, where did the phrase “It’s the tits!” come from? Urban Dictionary describes it as: A description of something you show great liking to, or greatly appreciate…
With many typos, but see for yourself here.
I implore you to find out even more about where this phrase originated and feel free to comment on the blog if you find anything relevant. Responses will be good for bonus points.
Also, FREE T-Shirts is back, beotches, so don’t forget to text your friends before you head down to Bobby G’s this Tuesday Night for some sweet and smokey Live Trivia in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and breast cancer research. It will probably make your life better.
Your categories:
SNL Movie Stars
The Wide World of Sports
Star Trek or Star Wars
Pittsburgh, PA
And now that you are properly moistened with what is to come, don’t forget to support Breast Cancer Awareness, perhaps with a donation? Do it… it feels good.
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