Have you been to An Tobar yet?
Just look at their Scotch selection. It’s impressive. Almost as impressive as our Top Teams list For Tasty Trivia.
The bar is imported from Ireland. Yup, the whole damn bar. The wood part. An Tobar was a hot spot in Maitland a few years ago. Now, reopened and completely refurbished, the beauty is matched only by the awesome selection of spirits that warm the insides. You will NOT be disappointed this Saturday night.
You want to know the best part about Saturday night trivia at An Tobar in Maitland? It’s the very best pre-game activity before a night out. You can win drinks, food, cash, even a weekend stay in a SUITE at the Sheraton, all before you go out for Saturday night. Trivia runs from 8 PM to about 10 PM. The best pregame on Saturday night in Orlando. Now, like us on Facebook, por favor!
Your categories for tonight:
Iconic Songs
Movie Sound Clips
Actors named “John”
As always, there is a single bonus question that could change everything. Your hint:
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