About every Thursday night @ 10:30, in Altamonte Springs, FL, U.S.A., Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, Our Local Group in the Virgo Supercluster of the Observable Universe… I get a feeling that I’m about to learn something new. Even though I wrote the questions, someone ALWAYS has a little input, supplying another fact, and teaching ME something. I’m definitely not complaining, I love absorbing knowledge. Thursday is gonna be righteous indeed with your host me, Daniel. We’ll be playing for First, Second and Third place again but who cares about that…. YOU WANT THE BRAGGING RIGHTS AND I DON’T BLAME YA!!!! So, here’s a few clues to help you out!
T.G.I.F… on ABC
The Color White
Hero Movies that do NOT belong to MARVEL or DC
NFL Record Holders
Music of 1998 (R&B edition)
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