Thursday Night Orlando Trivia tonight in Altamonte and Altamonte Springs! TGIFriday’s is the birthplace of Tasty Trivia and we’re coming back home baby! Tonight 5 all new rounds just for you, drink specials, free appetizers, free trivia, $3 Thursday in effect! Live trivia every Thursday night. This is getting Tasty Trivia all nice and warmed up for next Wednesday which will be our $250 grand prize event at Holly and Dolly’s in Casselberry. Our biggest cash prize offer to date! Thursday Night Orlando trivia just for you at TGIFriday’s in Altamonte Springs. I’m excited, I know you’re excited, we should be excited together. So come join us tonight at your favorite venue and my favorite place to eat delicious food. Bartabs will be awarded and champions will be crowned. Tasty Trivia in Orlando…BOOM.
Here are your categories:
Billboard Hot 100 (Music Round 1)
Current Events
You’re Welcome
Disney Movies
US Geography
Name the Lead Singer (Music Round 2)
Bonus Category: TV History
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