Wednesday hath arrived! Hump Day for all! If you’re not on TheChive, it’s worth a browse on a Wednesday.
In addition to humps being awesome, Trivia is not too shabby either, so make sure you browse these sweet categories on your way to a super-successful Wednesday evening out and about:
Name the Lead Singer
US Presidents
Sweet Sounds of the 70’s
Delicious Meats
Literature in Film
Tunes from the 90’s
Name that Company from their Invention
Now you are appropriately prepared with the details, but how about a few hints to get you started in no particular order:
AHA! Now, you’re on to something. Wednesday Night Tasty Trivia is in the building (if that building is Holly and Dolly’s on 436, across the street from Rachel’s) and you won’t want to miss it.
Here’s a strategy for a successful evening:
Step 1. Get off work several minutes early
Step 2. Prepare yourself mentally
Step 3. Stop in at Rachel’s before 5 o’clock
Step 4. Imbibe 25 cent drinks
Step 5. Enjoy the quality entertainment
Step 6. Exit between 6:30 and 7:30 PM or you will be sucked into a vortex
Step 7. Slide across the street to Holly & Dolly’s
Step 8. Order delicious food items
Step 9. Wash it down with a craft beer or handmade cocktail
Step 10. Play Trivia
Step 11. Win Trivia
Step 12. Rule the World
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