My Fellow Americans,
It is time for me to update you on the State of your favorite trivia, Tasty Trivia. Alright, it might not be your favorite, but at least you like it! We have some fun, get a little drunk, and spend some money. It’s great! We have some great events coming your way like February 14th Anti-Valentine’s Day party at Clicks where you can win $100 cash, beer signs, and other cool stuff. There’s February 18th at Graffiti Junktion where $100 cash can also be yours and another $100 opportunity at Holly & Dolly’s coming up. You better stay tuned to the blog!
Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of our control, we won’t be doing Tasty Trivia at Millenia TGiFriday’s. Double unfortunately, that is starting immediately. So this is a note to those who might be out there wondering where those superrrr sexy trivia hosts are. We’re at Holly & Dolly’s at 7:30 if you are feeling like something early! To some of the new teams that started coming out regularly, we miss you already and hope you can fit Tasty Trivia in your schedule on another night. See you soon!
To everyone else, including those lovelies from Millenia (I’m lookin’ at you Zactly Seth), it’s GO TIME! We have more and more events hitting the schedule, we are growing our Social Media presence, and are really looking to make sure you have a great time at Tasty Trivia! Please feel free to leave comments here or on the FB or Twitter, provide constructive criticism, compliment our sexy fashion stylings, etc.
Most importantly, THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!
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