Tasty Trivia is back for another Thursday installment of Orlando Trivia at TGiFriday’s tonight. It’s not just about the $3 Thursday amazing specials or the over $80 of delicious food we give away each Thursday night, it’s about the overall feeling of straight winning Tasty Trivia, a battle of epic wits against strangers and friends, mostly strangers. Are you and your friends slightly more knowledgeable of meaningless things than other people and their friends? That is the question! The only question! But, I have one more question… what are you doing on November 20th around 8 PM? Is it winning $100 cash, 5 bottles of premium booze, and other cool stuff? If not…
You won’t want to miss out on the first Tasty Trivia Fall Classic! So don’t miss out and get to Holly & Dolly’s on Wednesday night next week, snag a good spot for your team and prepare for 7 rounds of trivia excellence, TONS of prizes, and the biggest grand prize that Tasty Trivia has ever had courtesy of Holly & Dolly’s!
But, it’s time to talk TGiFriday’s and Thursday Night trivia, so here go the categories:
Harry Potter
Celebrity Gossip
Celebrity Authors
Don’t forget the lonely bonus hint:
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