So last week we talked about where we’ve come from as a company. Now I’m gonna spotlight a brand new location! We’re gonna be at the Sanford Smokey Bones. And let me tell you…hot damn this place is sexy. I walked in and it was like an immediate slow dance chubby. The space is great, the food is wonderful, staff is fired up. All things that make trivia fun. 
That’s a little bit of what their setup looks like. That’s nice right?! Makes me want beer. In my mouth. Now. Even though I’ve only been awake for 45 minutes. Is that the start of alcoholism? NO! It’s pretty much in full swing at this point. And how could you not want to go to a restaurant with a motto like this….
That’s promoting gluttony. If that doesn’t make your eyes roll back in your head and make you ask for more, I’m not sure what will. (That was a sexual innuendo ;).)
Tasty Trivia will be at the Sanford Smokey Bones starting Tuesday March 1st, and the game will be starting at 8:30. Be there with bells on, and maybe we’ll give you bonus points. You know…for your bells.
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