Third and finally, nothing pairs better with a drink than trivia. It’s a proven fact. 9 out of 10 dentists agree. You can’t argue with those numbers! And you can’t argue with winners. Get out to a Tasty Trivia game tonight and win something. The Brass Tap in Mills Park or Dade City, Beef ‘O’ Brady’s in Titusville, or Graffiti Junktion Church Street. All fine options for your quiz fix. Tasty Trivia is doin’ it strong in Orlando tonight, so arm yourself with these hints and hit the road:
Actors and Their Roles
Born in the U.S.A.
Those Who Write… Fiction
Gas Companies (hahaha, what?)
Finally, you’ll receive a firm handshake or a crisp high-five from your host if you capture the elusive perfect score. Oh, and IMMORTALITY in Trivia Valhalla. That too.
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