Never heard it called that? It’s a thing. People will start saying it. Mid ‘o tha week, baby. Tip ‘o the cap to ya mid ‘o tha week, eh? Obviously it plays better if you rock an accent. Think about it.
Now, on to more important matters. Brass Tap, Beef ‘O’ Brady’s, Graffiti Junktion, and Winey Wench Pub trivia. Well, the Winey Wench is brand new with their Pirate Ship bar in the Sanford Seminole Towne Center mall. The Beef ‘O’ Brady’s is specifically Titusville style. The Brass Tap is two timin’ with Mills Park and Dade City, both with featured beers of the week that can score you some sweet swag. Graffiti Junktion Church Street has the Whiskey Wednesday special that simply can’t be beaten. All month long, if you place Top 3 at a show, you’ll earn an invitation to BrainGames 4, the most competitive trivia game this side of the Rocky Mountains!
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