Tonight is Live Trivia at Graffiti Junktion. Tuesday is always trivia night and we have 5 new exciting rounds for your entertainment. As usual we will be giving away $25 bartab, for first, other bartabs for second and third. We got t-shirts,I think we’re also giving away a puppy? And by puppy I mean t-shirts! There may or may not be tots given out for winners of a specific round. We’re hoping for a good night tonight at Graffiti Junktion in Longwood. Bring your friends and get there early, play on the pool tables, freshen up on them there dart boards, drink some tequila Tuesday…and we will see you Tasty Trivia style tonight!
Here are your categories:
Christopher Walken Movies
Top NBA Players
Current “Rock and Roll”
Famous Explorers
He kind of looks like a lesbian…
All bonus hints will be given via the Facebook/Twitter. You know the drill!
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