Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for some Live Trivia at Bobby G’s on Tuesday Night! Your week just won’t be complete without playing a little Tasty Trivia, eating some spicy, boiled peanuts, and drinking some Fat Tire on tap!
That being said, it is important that you realize just how much fun you can have at Tasty Trivia on Tuesday Nights at Bobby G’s. It’s not mathematically quantifiable exactly, but if there were to be some correlation, it would have to be likened to the feeling you have when you take a bite of a s’mores that has just been made fireside whilst camping with 2-4 members of the opposite sex, in a single tent, with a no-tops rule whilst in the tent. This example works for both sexes if you simple believe that regardless of the sex of the participants, those who are topless are built well. Very well.
On to the categories:
Great NFL Quarterbacks
Celebrity Spouses
Name that TV Show
James Spader (Oh yeah!)
Of course, your humble bonus hint:
And a BIG Tasty Trivia congratulations to Lauren Conrad on her engagement (I’m trying to tap into the female audience)! Here’s hoping it totally works out and she doesn’t end up like this:
See you tonight!
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