What a night. These categories…I love ’em. Some of the best of the best right here. And it all starts with Leo. Leonardo DiCaprio. See…I’m more of a Ryan Reynolds man crusher myself…but Leo…he’s a boss. I’ll watch any DiCaprio movie anytime. He knows what’s up. And that acceptance speech at the Oscars! Deflected all attention from himself. That’s a class act. That’s probably why he sleeps with so many women. Dude pulls, I’m just saying. ANYWAY! We’re all over the map tonight. Brass Tap, Beef O’ Bradys, Brass Tap Dade City, Graffit Junktion Church St. SO MANY PLACES TO TRIVIA, SO LITTLE TIME! And I just wanna trivia more and more. Cause….I get to keep talking about Leo..duh.
Leonardo DiCaprio Movies
Dead or Alive
Best Selling Singles Ever
Famous Women
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