It’s the middle of the week and you’re feeling like getting something going. There’s $3 shots out there, craft beers, $3 Martinis, and more. What is stopping you from a little joy on the hump? Nothing! Get out there, grab a bite, play some Tasty Triv, and win some stuff. Simple. You’ve got OPTIONS tonight. Beef ‘O’ Brady’s in Titusville near you? Get there. Living closer to downtown? How about The Brass Tap off Mills and 50 at 7:30 PM. You want it. Nearer to the Dr. Phillips/Theme Parks area? NO worries at all, it’s Tasty Trivia at Graffiti Junktion at 8 PM. Looking for a little late night-ness? Millenia TGiFriday’s is for you, starting around 10 PM. Now that you know all of your options, be about it and get out to some trivia tonight! For some hints, here are your categories, but first, what do you know about BRAIN GAMES? Click for more information and for details. You deserve cold, hard cash and prizes for knowing stuff. You know you do.
Things in the News
Famous Peoples
That Feel Good Music
4-Legged Friends
World Class Literature
As for the bonus today, boys and girls, it’s all about Show Business. Actors, Actresses, Movies, TV. There’s no business like…
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