Man, who doesn’t love a good plate of wings? Holly & Dolly’s in Casselberry know what’s up with the wings. They also make a great burger. These are things you need to know when Tasty Trivia is in the building on Trivia Night, which is tonight… Wednesday. You’ll want to eat things like this:
I can recommend the fries, burger, and wings all day, but it’s your sexy mouth, damn it. Put whatever you want in it. How about $4 shot specials ALL NIGHT long? Now we are getting somewhere.
Each and every Wednesday night, we have shot specials, food specials, and of course, $50 in bartabs up for grabs. It’s yours. just reach out and Take IT. In order to do so, however, you’ll need to master these categories:
Famous Celebrity Couples
American Authors of the 20th Century
Anteater or Aardvark
Work of the Brothers Grimm
Sweet ‘N Sexy R&B
This week, I’m giving more hints than ever on the bonus. Why? I want you to win, that’s why, damn it. Do it. The first hint will be right here, right now. Then, check out the Facebook and Twitter for more pictures that will help you get there.
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