It’s the middle of the week and you’re probably thinking, “what the hell am I going to tonight?”
Well, we’ve got an answer and it’s hot ‘n spicy trivia. The tastiest trivia around! You have a lot of options tonight for a free trivia show in Orlando. Brass Tap on Mills and 50, Beef O Brady’s in Titusville, and Graffiti Junktion in Dr. Phillips. Beer, Beef, and Graffiti. Not a bad medley. For more information and times for the shows, check out our events page. There are even maps! That sentence back there <——- That was a link. Click it!
Also, we are gearing up for BrainGames3. If you don’t know anything about that, check it out here.
To get your study on, check out these sweet hints for Wednesday Night Trivia around town:
Julia Roberts Movies
Rock Solid
Oscar Winners of the 2010s
Get with the program!
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