Now you’re between Rounds 2 and 3, so you need some more points on your side. I’ve got 5 for ya right here with a little Wordplay. Call it Tri-Bond, call it Commonyms, call it what you will. There are three words or phrases, you need to find out what they have in common. Easy-peasy. If your brain hurts, a shot might help, and it’ll be worth 1 point, up to 5 (as always). You can do a shot or get naughty with some dirty, dirty wordplay. I recommend both. Remember… $50 CASH to first place. Not bad at all.
1. The Brain – The Lung – The Ear
2. A Bull – A Car – A Shoe Salesman
3. A Football Team – A Phone – A Stereo
4. A Bobbin – Spider Web – A Screw
5. Families – Trees – Hair
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