What did you say? Multiple games of trivia action in one night… with pool tables… and shot specials… and super-fine bar staff? Damn… I’ll be there. I mean, you already know that I’ll be there, but now I know that YOU want to be there. There’s a game at 9 PM to warm you up, then ANOTHER stiff game of trivia at 11 PM. The entire time, there are pool tables, ping pong, darts, shots, pandas on unicycles, and other entertainment options, plus…
The bartenders be all like:
and then I’m all like:
So, just know that you’re going to have a good time. To sweeten the pot tonight, we’ve got a few things:
1. Austin
2. Cash Prize
3. Bartabs to win
4. Some Swag
5. A double-team with Austin
Now all you need are the categories, so here goes:
Video Games of the 20th Century
Car Makes & Models
Cell Phones
Judd Apatow
NFL Mascots
Pop Hits of the 2000s
Quentin Tarantino
With all that knowledge, you could build a boat. Maybe even an ark. You could save the human race.
Trivia = Salvation.
Bonus hints are on the FB page.
See you tonight!
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