I think the title sums it up nicely. You’ve got Duffy’s Sports Grill in Lake Mary. You’ve got 2-4-1 drinks. You’ve got Tasty Trivia for great prizes. Yup, it’s free to play (so is the Clear Pong tournament across the street at 11 PM at Friendly Confines), so the night is young… make the most of your Thursday and get things started at Duffy’s Sports Grill at 8 PM. Trivia is hosted by Craig, aka Jewbacca, aka Jewcy, so come out and play a fun game of bar trivia! Here are the categories:
Music that ROCKS!
Current Events
Emmy Award Winners of the 2000s
Company Slogans
Now, for a little bonus flavor… It’s Famous Literature… Ahhhhhh… Yeeeeahhhhh… Come onnnnn!
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