It’s time to bring some Tasty Trivia to Casselberry! Now that Tasty Trivia is on the map for Orlando trivia, I’ve added a Wednesday evening Happy Hour trivia event for your pleasure. Same overall format with 5 rounds and 5 questions each round, finished off with a bonus question. Prizes tonight will be given out per round as well as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place bartab prizes!
As promised, if you attended Bobby G’s last night and also come tonight, you will receive bonus points and be eligible to win an ADDITIONAL $25 gift certificate to Wall Street Plaza, downtown Orlando. Also, if you attend tonight AND tomorrow at TGiFriday’s in Altamonte Springs… You’ll get bonus points and be eligible for ANOTHER cool prize. Yes, more free stuff. You love it.
And now, on to the categories:
Friends (the TV show)
Rock ‘N Roll Music
Chick Flicks (The Movies)
Sports ‘n Stuff
And, of course, your hint for the bonus round:
Now, let’s see how you fare at this new venue. They’ve got a full menu of tasty delights, pool tables, dart boards, Big Buck Hunter HD, and more! PLUS, great drink specials all night tonight, so study up (cuz I want to see you tonight) and don’t end up like this:
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