Oh, sweet babies. Things have been going well this week. We are having ALL NEW fun times and getting you ready for next week’s 3-in-a-row $100 Trivia Nights! Oh, you read it correctly. 3 days in a row, $300 up for grabs. Tonight, it’s all about Clicks Billiards Photo Scavenger Hunt, your teammates, and getting ready to rock the house on April 18th for $100 cash money. Remember, tag Tasty Trivia on Facebook with the @ symbol, or simply email the images to craig@tastytriviaorlando.com and we will post them for you! Take a look at an example of an excellent Photo Scavenger moment:
Now, it’s time for your clues!
One Time, One Time:
This game will test your eye beyond all measure, be sure to use the steel version, they fly much better.
Two Times, Two Times:
The yellow striped ball is the one you should use, for table size and the game that you will choose.
Don’t forget to document the game that you played, for winning in trivia, you will obviously be paid.
Three Times, Yo:
It could jiggle and shake and just never quit, I wouldn’t classify it as quite a liquid.
Find out if there’s shots of this kind, for if there is “bottoms up.” it’s picture time.
Four Play:
The beer time is to follow those delicious shots, pick something not brewed by a beer company towards the top.
No Bud, no Miller, not even Stella tonight, turn your gaze to a lesser known draft for your delight.
Maybe something sweet, or maybe a little fat, I’ve heard the goose, is good you can count on that.
Menage a Five:
It’s time to test your aim yet again, you should look down your sight and shoot them instead.
Not really of course, for play don’t you see, there might be something there that you can get you ready.
Pick up your rifle and aim true, smile for the picture, you hunter you!
After some drinks and shots and don’t forget hunting, I’m sure your hunger will leave you wanting.
There are food options if you choose, take some broccoli bites or tator tots to counteract the booze.
7 Minutes in Heaven:
Now your belly is filled with delicious food, back to drinking again some lovely brews.
You may chase this next shot with any beer you desire, bourbon shots all around embrace the fire.
8 Games-a-playin’:
Some video is required for this next task, I want to see your best combo blast.
Line it up on the table right and sink the balls in the pocket to make this a quick night.
9 Lives:
Now kiss your pool table goodbye for now you’re almost done, but take a team picture second to none.
Best sexual poses using the table for a prop, cause the wood is so hard, it just can’t stop.
10 Things We Love About You:
Now it’s time to go, the fun it almost done. Say goodnight to Loryn and take a picture with her that is the one.
The wackier the face the funnier it will be, bonus points may be given for letting us laugh at you and your team.
Once again, as an added bonus, Tasty Trivia is trying to pay it forward this month. We have a friend involved in this Charity and any dollars that a trivia team donates to the cause will get bonus points! Plus it’ll make you feel great directly in your feelings are.
So, Donate you can click the Charity link above or right here!
Get you some bonus points!
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