UPDATE: Duffy’s Lake Mary and Waterford are OFF tonight for NBA Finals and COPA Soccer. Back next week with double prizes!
Thursday trivia is basically ALMOST Friday trivia, so it’s super fun, has a weekend-flavor to it, and gets you those prize to start your weekend off right. Essentially, any work you do on a Friday is credit for Monday anyway, so you’re just doing extra credit, padding that Monday guilt. You know it. We know it. So establish some intellectual dominance over your peers on this Thursday night at MikkiVs on Tuskawilla. Hashtag your team with #tastytrivia or @tasty_trivia to get some bonus points before or in-between rounds (using Instagram).
Marvel Superhero Alter-Egos
Famous Movie Quotes
Popular First Dance Songs
Famous Floridians
Word Association: Sports
Now you have the tools (aka da tewls, aka them jewels). Get your squad #triviasquad together and make it happen.
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